Monday, April 01, 2019

An End of the Mockery

Canto IV: Final Thoughts

Soon the infusion will come to an end,
And there are signs that Rituxan can mend
The ravages of MS upon his
Mind and body. For the result now is:
5 No new lesions and no growth on older.
Ones, allowing him to be much bolder.
Also, his mobility has improved,
Despite needing a wheelchair to be moved.
His arms, required to take up the slack
10 Left by his legs, get some of his life back
To the days that he foldy remembers:
Social life with friends and family members.
Now, as the infusion comes to an end,
He prepares for the time that he must spend
15 In Atlanta’s evening rush hour,
Riding on the waning steroids’ power.
He will be able to enjoy the ride,
Keeping ahead of the oncoming tide
That he can see rising behind the van,
20 And the evening rush has just began
To clog the streets and highways behind him
Creating a scene so dark and so grim,
He is happy to have avoided it.
.So he returns home to rest for a bit.
25 Anticipating his next infusion,
He will not submit to the illusion
Of an end to this infernal disease.
But, rituxan now helps him rest at ease.

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