Thursday, July 27, 2017

Happy Birthday, Saoirse!

     This past Tuesday was my daughter's fourth birthday. She's never ceasing to surprise me. While looking over my shoulder as I perused my Spotify playlists, she began reading the titles: "What?" "This Means War," and, "Creature of the Wheel." Utterly flabbergasted, I played White Zombie's song, and she started headbanging to it! If there ever was a doubt, it's been settled. Between her loving Zombie (White and Rob) and her sister's love of anime, I'm either raising the cool goth kids or the crazy artsy kids. I'm happy either way. 😈
    On a more serious note, I also started more PT (Physical Therapy/Torture). Because it has been so long since I had been to therapy, I had to get evaluated, yet again, wait for approval from my insurance, and then begin. The main focus of this round will be transfer.
In the past month I have fallen A LOT. I really do not mind falling. It's the getting back to my feet that's painful. The therapist is going to help me develop a routine of prevention and tactics for returning to my feet. I am also looking into a possible wheelchair evaluation. IF I end up needing a full time wheelchair, then I want to use a manual one as long as can. I already have an electric scooter for longer 'walks', but I don't yet want to be in a "Hover Round Commercial."
     School also starts this week, and I will need as much energy as possible for Raelin's and Saoirse's orientation. So, as the heat increases for summer's last, gasping choke hold on me, I'm off to the AC. 😁

Saturday, July 22, 2017


We've all heard the question, "If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, then does it really make a sound?"

     Well, while I am not sure about trees and their sounds, I am fairly certain that when I fall it does make a sound, in fact, several. Here's a brief rundown of what happened when I fell just a few days ago, described by the 'sounds' that were heard. 
  • First, there is the creaking whine of my hand brakes on my rollator as I try, desperately and in vain, to halt my movement just long enough to regain my balance.
  • Second, comes the hissing sound of the locked wheels of my rollator as it revolts and continues to slide across the linoleum floor, taking me to my, "Event horizon."
  • Then comes the barrage of, sometimes R-rated, words shouted as the realization hits me: I'm falling.
  • Next, there is the resounding, "Thud!" My body hits the floor and I try to convince everyone that, "I'm OK."
  • Finally, there comes a little, "Thump, thump thump," of a three year old hoping that mommy's home, followed by a revelation: "Daddy's on the floor!"
     I do not think that I would have minded falling as much, if I had only managed to fall nearer to a couch, or a chair, or even a bed low enough to allow me some leverage to regain my feet. Rather, I fell in the middle of the kitchen: slippery floors, smooth walls, and no furniture. Four hours later, I was back on my feet. Well, it wasn't just four hours of me simply trying to stand. It was four hours of: grunting, cursing, praying, bargaining, shouting, more cursing, and one embarrassingly vulgar twitter rant. But, I did make it to my feet, 'counter walked' to my rollator, and promptly took a nap. 

Insights I gained from this fall:
  • I need to be patient. If I hadn't been in such a hurry to get to the kitchen, to get to my scooter, to get to my van so I could go to my chair yoga class, then I probably wouldn't have lost my balance.
  • I need to take things one step at a time. Look at the above list. 
  • I need to do a better job cleaning the kitchen floor. Being face down on an old linoleum floor really opens one's eyes. 😏
     So, I'm back on my, well back to using my walker until I fall again, which probably will inspire me to visit the seating clinic at Shepherd

Until then, adieu.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Well, I tried

"The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men
Gang aft agley, 
An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
For promis’d joy!"
-Robert Burns, "To a Mouse" (1785)

     This little excerpt from Bobbie Burns fairly adequately sums up how my week has been. I had planned so much and bit by bit, step by step, hobble by hobble, collapsed under me. Simply put, I'm too tired to type. See yinz next week.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Ugh heat. . .

So, went to Helen GA last night for some beer and GOOD wings. Only 45 min drive, but through the mountains, and catching it today. Take care, working on something better next week. On the fun side, though, here's a reflection:
Am I suffering today? YES!
Are my mental processed messed up? DEFINITELY!
Am I tired like hammered [expletive]? YOU BET!
Would I ever do this again? DUHH OF COURSE!!!

Do not let this MesS run your life.

Saturday, July 01, 2017

Fireworks, Beer, Burgers, and FREEDOM!!

     Well, the fourth of July is approaching, and as is usual in the south, I hear fireworks going off from all over my neighborhood. Am I going to participate? Probably not, rather I am going to sit in my air conditioning and chill. Will I go to some fireworks? I might, if there are still any planned. But on the whole, I prefer to remain cool, well, cool as in temperature. I was always a nerd. 😀
     But, in dealing with the festivities around the United States' birthday, here are my 'hacks' for staying cool:
➤Pay attention to the weather. If you need to cool off, then do so.

➤Enjoy some patriotic beer, just drink responsibly.

➤Don't try to be too macho. If you gotta go, then go.

➤Be safe around: sparklers, fireworks, and other 'explosives'.

Happy 4th of July!