Monday, April 29, 2019

Are you in the mood?

Swing Away!

Moods are funny things.
They can change so suddenly
And with no warning.

Not being haughty,
I just tend to be cautious,
Keeping my distance.

Image result for Huh?
MS can cause my
Reactions to you to change:
The wrong emotions.
A day might start well,
But medication can help
Keep stability.

Image result for solitude
People often say,
"Misery loves company."
For me: solitude. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Rub A Dub Dub, Never Getting In The Tub

Taking A Seat
(in the shower)

Taking no more baths-
Water must never be hot-
Using shower chairs.

Scrubbing with one hand
Used for balance when eyes close:

Simplicity helps:
Soap, shampoo, conditioner,
All in one bottle.

It's my greatest fear:
If I should fall while bathing-
Naked and need help.

At the shower's end
Taking longer to exit
Than the shower took.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Baby Steps On A Downhill Slide

Walking On NOTHING

Small children will learn,
After falling so many times,
The joy of walking.

Some need help to walk;
A sturdy cane can suffice
A return to feet.

Soon, steps will falter;
The cane is now obsolete.
The walker arrives.

The walker needs help.
A scooter for the outside;
The walker stays home.

The wheelchair arrives.
And it will replace them both
With mobility.

Tuesday, April 02, 2019

April Can Be So Cruel

Memory Haiku

     Rather than just one poem for this rather diminutive style, I am attempting a weekly collection of haiku focused on a single aspect of how I deal with this MesS.

MS’ memories
Numbers, names, and directions
Fading and failing

Seeing an old friend
I have known for many years
Who are you, again?

Important events
And the times when they begin
I don’t remember

Dead leaves in the wind,
Floating away aimlessly
Like my memory

A funny story,
The beauty of a moment
Are gone forever.

Memories will fade.
But I will not lose this fight!
My cell phone helps me.

Monday, April 01, 2019

An End of the Mockery

Canto IV: Final Thoughts

Soon the infusion will come to an end,
And there are signs that Rituxan can mend
The ravages of MS upon his
Mind and body. For the result now is:
5 No new lesions and no growth on older.
Ones, allowing him to be much bolder.
Also, his mobility has improved,
Despite needing a wheelchair to be moved.
His arms, required to take up the slack
10 Left by his legs, get some of his life back
To the days that he foldy remembers:
Social life with friends and family members.
Now, as the infusion comes to an end,
He prepares for the time that he must spend
15 In Atlanta’s evening rush hour,
Riding on the waning steroids’ power.
He will be able to enjoy the ride,
Keeping ahead of the oncoming tide
That he can see rising behind the van,
20 And the evening rush has just began
To clog the streets and highways behind him
Creating a scene so dark and so grim,
He is happy to have avoided it.
.So he returns home to rest for a bit.
25 Anticipating his next infusion,
He will not submit to the illusion
Of an end to this infernal disease.
But, rituxan now helps him rest at ease.