Monday, February 12, 2018

A basket? No, how about a skillet?

Baked Omelette Pie

     In keeping with my attempted resolution to drop gluten, at which I failed last night by having a piece of pizza, here's a wonderfully complex, but workable, recipe. Here is a link to the original recipe. This recipe calls for a cast iron skillet, but if you don't have one, a regular skillet can work, but be sure that it is able to be used in an oven up to 350° F (175°C). Below is my version of it with accommodations for this MesS.


1 large baking potato
6 eggs
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 onion, chopped
1/4 cup chopped red bell pepper
1/4 cup chopped fresh mushrooms
1/2 cup chopped ham
1 tomato, sliced
1/4 cup shredded Cheddar cheese

     I know it seems like a lot to do just to make something for breakfast, but I do have a few 'short cuts' that might make it easier to make it. 😏
  • Instead of a large baking potato, consider a Yukon golden, or red skinned potato. They're smaller, cook faster, don't need to be peeled, and taste MUCH better.
  • Instead of cracking six eggs, which for me is enough work to need a nap on some days, consider "Egg Beaters," or some other alternative. They have an added bonus of being a little healthier too.
  • Slicing tomatoes always gives me fits. Trying to hold the tomato, slicing through, and NOT squishing it is never easy. Sometimes I just use canned tomatoes, or even sun dried. But be careful, with sun dried tomatoes a little goes a long way.
  • Bring a medium pot of salted water to a boil. Add potato and cook until tender but still firm, about 15 minutes. Drain, cool, peel and slice.
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Beat together eggs, salt, pepper and parsley.
  • In a cast iron skillet, heat olive oil over medium-high heat. Saute onion and red pepper until soft, then stir in mushrooms. When mushrooms start to shrink, add the chopped ham, potato and tomato slices. Pour in the egg mixture; gently stir to combine.
  • Sprinkle cheese on top of eggs and place skillet in preheated oven. Bake until eggs are firm, about 10 to 15 minutes. Allow to cool briefly before serving.
It tastes wonderful, and leftovers make a good brunch or snack cold right from the fridge. Now, for some cheesy egg puns. 😜

"I went to the store today and bought some really oddly shaped eggs.
Now I can't find them.
I think they've been mislaid."

"What day to eggs hate the most?

"How many French eggs do you need?
One egg is un oeuf."

"I was walking past the store today when I saw a sign saying, 'All items one-third off.'
So I bought a dozen eggs.
Unfortunately four of them were rotten."

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